ACCOUNT NOW Prepaid svcs Support Ticket - San Ramon, California

Restricted Account - account now prepaid visa card

Created By: bg0627's Picture bg0627 Last Reply: mishawoods31's Picture mishawoods31
Priority Level: [High] Status: [Open]
Created: 10 years ago Last Updated: 9 years ago
Department: N/A Replies: 0
Product: account now prepaid visa card

I've used Account Now for almost a year with no problems. Then all of a sudden while trying to use my card for a transaction my card was declined. I called customer service and was told that my account was restricted/closed because of a refund that I received from a merchant. I knew immediately what refund they were speaking of as I had recently made a big furniture purchase from a retailer but then decided the same day to cancel the purchase due to finding something better somewhere else. The merchant cancelled my transaction per my request and refunded the monies to my account. The Account Now agent stated that the refund didn't match up with any transaction on my account. This was total NONSENSE due to the fact that my account reflected the transaction (initial purchase) and the refund (after the cancellation). I explained the situation to the rep (to no avail) and eventually asked for a manager. Although sympathetic, the manager was not able to help me either and stated that I needed a LOI from the merchant showing the transaction faxed to Account Now. I went to the merchant who graciously faxed to Account Now the receipt showing the purchase and the manual transaction from the merchant voiding the transaction. Now I have to sit and wait for an Account Specialist to review my account and call me back. I cannot believe that my account was restricted in the first place without a warning or a phone call!!! I have money in my account that I cannot access due to a refund that I was owed to me.


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